Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Halloween Countdown Day 43 – Gloom

Greetings kiddies, your old pal Eerie Evan is back here again, with yet another Halloween installment. Today I’m going to take a peeksie at a ghoulish little card game called Gloom.

Gloom is a peach of a card game. You control a family of misanthropes, misfits and weirdos, and the other player has the same. The point of the game is to play cards that are disastrous to your own family, lowering their will to live and eventually killing them, while playing cards that do positive things to your opponent’s family. After a whole family is killed off, the person with the most dead branches on the family tree wins.

Aesthetically, I love the artwork on the cards. It reminds me of the delightful books that Richard Gorey put together about children meeting untimely ends. Perhaps the most fun you can have with gloom is emphasizing the story aspect of the game, as you are coaxed to not just play a card with an effect, but put the whole thing together in the context of the game that makes it work.

This game is a grim little interlude if you are looking for something not completely serious and without a long setup time. It is best played with people who love a good bit of gallows humor - nothing like losing your Uncle Zebulon at sea only to be delighted by ducklings later.

Sound tempting? You can grab it from Amazon here!

Until next time kiddies,

Eerie Evan.

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